<aside> 🚨 New here ? Check out our Quick start guide

Getting Started


1. Onboarding


2. Sharing My Videos via Email

<aside> πŸ’‘ If you want to have optimal results on your video campaigns, we recommend you send your videos with a GIF as below. Sending them with this method will increase click rate by +60% compared to a hyperlink redirecting to your video



Sending a single video

<aside> πŸ’‘ When my video is generated I can send it via email following the video below, or via LinkedIn



Sending a batch of videos

<aside> πŸ’‘


Sending with Smartlead, Instantly, Lemlist, etc.

<aside> πŸ’‘ To go deeper into this topic πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

How To Send My Videos?


3. API and integrations