<aside> 💡 These instructions are not mandatory but we highly recommend you to follow them to improve the quality of the videos you will generate. Always double check the videos you record before creating a template based on it.


1. Your video

If you are using your laptop to record your video, you can use Quicktime. You can also use the camera of your phone.

Always use a full face camera and not a screen share when recording your video.

Face the camera as much as you can but feel free to move your head naturaly.

<aside> 💡 Pro tips: Make sure to have a stable camera with the light coming from the front to ensure the quality of your lip sync.


2. Sound Capture

The voice cloning will be using the sound that you have in the video to copy your voice. The better the quality, the better the quality of the voice generated.

Here is a list of the factors that will influence the quality of your audio:

Your microphone

Speak clearly and facing your microphone. Try to avoid moving away from your microphone while you are recording. If you have a real microphone, feel free to use it. The richer the sound, the better the result.

<aside> 💡 Pro tips: Always prefer using the built-in microphone of your laptop or phone over earphones and Airpods. The sound they render sounds more natural.


Your Environment

To record your video, chose a quiet place where there is minimal background noises (avoid doing your videos outside with car passing by and birds chirping 🦜).

Avoid places with too much echo.

<aside> 💡 Pro tips: Phone booths and small spaces are not a good place to record your video. If they are pretty good at cutting the outside noise, they have a lot of echo in them.


3. Language Supported